Things You'd Never Guess are Hidden Cameras

Things You'd Never Guess are Hidden Cameras

Security cameras around your house are helpful to keep an eye on things, but you don't want them out in the open. Here are hidden cameras you'd never notice.

Do you have iffy roommates you met off Craigslist? A first-time parent nervous about a caretaker? Are things going missing and you suspect something but have no proof?

You should look into a hidden camera or a nanny cam. These cameras are small and made to look like other objects. They are unnoticeable and give you peace of mind. There are a lot more options for hidden cameras than you'd think. Read on to see how you can bring these previously spy-only tools into your home or office space.

Types of Hidden Cameras

How do you blend a camera into your home? You have to choose the right one. Cameras are made to look like every-day objects people would not suspect.

For example, if you want a nanny cam, you'll need to blend the camera into your decor. This is for your home security. You'll have plenty of  options for blending a camera into your home or office.

Decor-like cameras include:

  • Tissue Box Cameras
  • Air freshener camera
  • Telephone camera
  • Phone charger camera
  • Shoe camera
  • Clock camera
  • Smoke alarm camera
  • Teddy bear camera
  • Outlet camera
  • Toilet brush camera
  • Fake plant camera

There are more! An important thing to note is that these cameras don't generally (depends on the type) record 24/7. They need accessories such as micro-chips and not all come with them. Most of them can be set to work as motion activated and record for set periods of time.

On-person Hidden Cameras

If you'd like to use a camera outside of your house or office, on-person hidden cameras are popular too. These cameras are what you think of when you imagine spy cams. They are very small and can be hand held or sewn into clothing.

Examples include:

  • Necktie cameras
  • Eye-glass cameras
  • Pen cameras
  • Handheld cameras
  • Hat camera
  • Cigarette box camera

Like the household cameras, these on-person cameras use micro-USB chips. Both types can then connect to computers for the uploading and the viewing of footage. These don't hold very much video, so they aren't what you want for a 24/7 surveillance need.

If that is what you're looking for, you're going to spend a lot more money. You could also consider a wi-fi connecting baby monitor. They aren't designed specifically to be hidden, but they are a lot more accessible. If you need that type of video coverage, you could definitely try to camouflage a baby monitor camera. You could install it behind a hanging plant or within a light fixture.

Legal Considerations

The legality of recording people on camera depends on your state. For example, Michigan and Maine do not allow hidden cameras without the consent of all parties.

If you own the property, then it should be acceptable for you to record video on it. You can google "hidden camera laws" in your state. 

To keep out of court you should inform whomever you'll be recording long term. For example, when you hire in-home services, let them know on paper that you can and will record them if you want. Hidden cameras aren't out of reach for the average person. With the number of options and price ranges, there is a hidden camera for everyone.

There are other cleverly-hidden options for keeping your belongings safe if you're not ready for a hidden camera.

Which of these cameras surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments!

Jun 2nd 2017

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